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Monday, May 22, 2017

School Days

      I find it hard to believe that I am finishing my 19th year of teaching.   I have had the privilege of teaching around 400 students in those 19 years from preschool (3yr old/4 yr old) to 3rd grade.  I started teaching 1st grade on September 2nd, 1997, at Victory Christian Schools in Anaheim, California.   I graduated from Baptist Bible College (May, 1997) with my Elementary Education degree and moved to California at the end of August about a week before the first day of school.  I remember the feeling of nervousness when I realized that I would be leaving the Midwest and moving to EVIL California (people in the Midwest think California is evil and strange – LOL).  I cried so hard when I realized that Southern California was the place that God had chosen for me, but I am happy that I followed the path that He laid before me. 
     As I reflect on the past 19 years, I think of all the students that have crossed my path.  I know that God chooses each student that walks and has walked through my classroom door.  I feel honored to have a small part in their lives and I am so proud of each one of them.   I have many former students on Facebook.  Some of my students have become nurses, police officers, Navy seals, Army and some are in the ministry.
     I recently received a high school graduation invitation from a former student’s younger brother.  I became very close to this family when I had their daughter in my 2nd and 3rd grade class.  They moved to Washington State when she was in 4th or 5th grade.  Thanks to Facebook, we keep in touch and I am able to watch them grow up and follow the path that God has chosen for them.
     I feel very blessed to be a teacher and have an influence on future generations.  I am very thankful to my professors at Baptist Bible College – Mary Herman, Jayne McConnaughey, and Mariam Moore and so many others.   I am thankful for my mentor Laura McKay through CalState TEACH at California State University (Fullerton, California) where I finished my teaching credential online.   I am also very grateful to Tracy Milbourn (public school teacher) who became my mentor and encouraged me as I completed the credential program.  I can’t imagine doing anything else.  I love the fall and back to school.  

Preschool 2017

Monday, May 15, 2017

I'm Back

Hello again, I am sorry it has been a long time since I have written something on my blog.  Life has taken many crazy turns, some of which are for the best and some  . . . let's just say that some are not my favorites turns.  

I decided to get back to blogging after reading my former college professor's blog about her life journey.  She is a fascinating person and I really enjoyed reading about her struggles with life.  I have not see her since I graduated Baptist Bible College back in 1997.  Thanks, Mrs. McConnaughey, you are still an inspiration to me and those around you.  

I look forward to writing more about how God has truly blessed me and my family.  I will leave now with a quote I read from the book Creed (Apostles' Creed) by Adam Hamilton  "Jesus calls us to be authentically human, to love, give, serve and rise above our selfish genes.  As we do so, we not only make the world a more just and compassionate place, we find joy in the process." pg. 76

Have a blessed week

p.s. Hope everyone had a blessed Mother's day yesterday.

Monday, August 25, 2014

God is Awesome

God is totally awesome.  I know this may sound a bit trivial to some but I wanted to share a couple of blessings with you.  I love lots and lots of ice in my drinks no matter what I am drinking – tea, water or soda.   So, I have always wanted a fridge with an ice maker.   If it were up to me,  I would have purchased a fridge a long time ago but my husband being the frugal man (this is good most of the time  ;-)  )that he is wanted to wait and shop around.  Long story short some friends of ours are moving and they asked if we wanted their fridge.   I went over to look at it and it is very close to the kind I wanted with the ice maker and filtered water.   They are also giving us a grill which is very similar to the one that we were looking at purchasing because we could get the end of the season deals.  What a blessing for us that God provided two of my “wants” with minimal cost.  I know that God only promises to supply all of our needs but I think it is cool that He sometimes surprises us with a few of our wants.   God also provided great friends who took time out of their Sunday to help us move the fridge to our house. 
This is a good reminder that I need to trust God's plan more because if we had purchased the fridge earlier we would have missed out on the blessing.   I am so impatient and God is always trying to teach me to slow down and be patient with myself and others.  I know that is why God put Bill in my life and sometimes I am not very appreciative of that blessing.  I know that my impatience keeps me from enjoying life and the people that God has put around me.   Thank you Lord for the lessons in life even though they may seem hard and just plain unnecessary.    I love this quote by T.D Jakes - “Timing is so important! If you are going to be successful in dance, you must be able to respond to rhythm and timing. It’s the same in the Spirit. People who don’t understand God’s timing can become spiritually spastic, trying to make the right things happen at the wrong time. They don’t get His rhythm – and everyone can tell they are out of step. They birth things prematurely, threatening the very lives of their God-given dreams.” ~ T. D. Jakes

Hope you have a blessed week.   Remember to slow down and be patient with yourself and others

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sunday's Sermon

Our (Victory Baptist Church) had a guest speaker today for main service.  We have been going through a series of lessons about Whole Emotional Formation.  These are lessons from Souleader Resources.  Today’s sermon was about Relationships or Relational formation.  The speaker, Dr. Jim Grimes, talked about how we form relationships.  Below is a list of the top 10 relational sins that he shared with us.  I found this list on a blog by Steve Saccone.   Let’s just say I have some work to do in my personal relationships.  Please read the list and ask God to help you in your own relationships.   Have a blessed week!
Top 10 Relational Sins
Posted by Steve Saccone on Sep 30, 2010 in Blog | 0 comments
10. Don’t assume your way is always best.
…That usually means it’s not.
9. Don’t give unsolicited advice.
…People prefer to trust you first—they are funny that way.
8. See how long you can go without promoting your self.
…It’s harder than you think.
7. Don’t state the obvious just b/c you don’t have anything profound to say.
…Sometimes silence is golden.
6. Don’t be bossy.
…Remember kindergarten when they taught you,
“No one likes a know-it-all?”
5. Stop avoiding conflict.
…Don’t create it either.
4. Don’t self deprecate for appearance sake.
…That’s what your spouse is for.
3. Don’t TALK more than you DO.
…Actions speak louder than words.
2. Fight the temptation to “one up” someone with a better story than theirs.
…It’s hard to believe, but sometimes people have better stories than you.
1. Don’t appear more engaged than you are.
…We know when you’re faking it.To

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Summer fun

Last week, my family and I went to Legoland California.  I searched the internet for ticket prices and I felt like the prices were a little expensive.  So, I asked a friend about getting discount tickets.    She sent me to Ebay.  I spent $3 for a 40% off coupon.  I used the coupon and received an email with directions to purchase my tickets.  I purchased 2 adult tickets and 1 child’s tickets for about $150.   It would have cost me a little over $200.  Sooooo. . . long story short, always check ebay or craigslist for discounts.  I feel like I got a great deal.

Summer fun – Here are some other fun summer ideas.  I signed my daughter up for free bowling at kidsbowlfree.com.   Lucy gets 2 free games a day and I spent $20 for a family pass for Bill and I.   Now Lucy and I can go bowling everyday if we so desire.   The coupons are emailed to me every Sunday.  We love it.  Some of our friends signed up as well so we can all go together.  Thank you to my sister-in-law for telling us about the bowling.

Check out your local movie theaters.  Some of  have $1 movies and some of are free.   The movies are older but still fun and gets us out of the house for a few hours. 

Also, check out your local library.  Most of them have summer reading programs and activities for all ages.   I take Lucy to Wacky Wednesday.  I get a 45 minute brake and she has fun singing and watching a puppet show.

Last but not least - Check out your local community for movies on the lawn.  Yorba Linda has several parks that show movies.  We have also attended the Orange County Great Park in Irvine for movie night.   The movies are free.   We take our own snacks but sometimes there are food trucks or snack booths to support the local youth programs. 
Orange County Great park - Movies on the Lawn

I am sure most of you already have your summers packed but just thought I would throw out some ideas.  Have a great summer.  

Friday, July 04, 2014

Happy 4th of July

What a nice relaxing day with friends and family.  Our family has a 4th of July tradition of going to the Eastlake Patriotic Boat Parade.  We love to go early camp out, relax, take a few walks and eat a nice picnic dinner.   My best friend from high school (Vicki Mallipudi) and her family have joined us the last few years.  Then on July 4th, we spend time with friends or sometimes we just stay home and BBQ.  This year we went to friends and the kids spent 3 hours in the little pool and other water play activities.  Thank you, Lord for good memories and lots of fun.


Tuesday, July 01, 2014


     The definition of empathy – trying to understand or imagine another person’s feelings (Manners, Please! – John Burstein).   I always assumed that I showed concern for other’s feelings and had some compassion but as was pointed out to me a couple months ago, I may not be an empathetic or compassionate person. Hearing those words hurt me deeply and I was very offended by them.  However, I have to confess that being empathetic is one of the ongoing struggles in my relational life.  Sometimes, I get so focused on what I am doing that I simply don’t notice the other people around me.

     I do not respond well to criticism of any kind (yes, even constructive criticism) especially if it is delivered in a very demanding or authoritative way. I hate the feeling of being reprimanded like a child. I often go out of my way to avoid confrontation even when it might be necessary in my life at the time.   I respond better to encouraging words not harsh critical words.  This reaction to criticism probably has something to do with my legalistic background.  I am guessing that is why I was offended when it was pointed out to me that I may lack empathy and compassion.  At times, I know can seem like a very rude person but please believe me it is definitely not on purpose.

     While reading my daughter’s good manner books to her at bed time, I realized why I may appear to be unempathetic to other people.  I know in my heart that I do have some compassion/empathy for others.  If I see a homeless person outside a fast food restaurant, I buy an extra meal and take it out to them.  When I think of all the children in the foster care system or orphanages it brings tears to my eyes that they do not have a family to love them and make them feel secure.  Is this more compassion than empathy?  Not really sure.   Maybe, I need to improve and become more in tune to others needs and feelings on a personal level instead of such a broad level.   

      The Bible has a few verses that deal with empathy but this verse spoke volumes to me.  Colossians 3:12 & 13 (ESV) – “Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive”.  Do you think forgiveness plays a role in having empathy for others?  My favorite quote by Toby Mac has something to do with being compassionate and empathetic:  “Believe the best about people. Pray for their short-comings.  You are not the standard.  We all need grace”.    For me personally, I would rather someone pray for my shortcomings instead of pointing them out to me.  However, I realize that sometimes I may not be aware of something and it needs to be brought to my attention.   When this has to be done, please point my shortcomings out with a kind spirit and with the purpose of helping me to be better.  Try not to point out them out like you are reprimanding me.  My prayer is that I will keep working on becoming the person God wants me to be in this life.  I pray the same for you.  Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.   May God bless you and keep you.